A brief introduction to the species of Echitlin sea snakes

A brief introduction to the species of Ekitling sea snakes
Ekitling sea snakes

Ekitling Sea snakes live in tropical waters, mostly in shallow waters of Australian bays. It has a wide mouth, a slightly cylindrical body, a slender body, and a flat back end and tail side. It is more poisonous than the king cobra. If you are bitten by it, you will die within a few minutes. It lives in the same sea area as the box jellyfish. The Australian Ekitlin sea snake, also known as "green-ringed sea snake" and "spotted sea snake", belongs to the class Crestozoa and belongs to the family Sea Snake. They live scattered in tropical waters, mostly in shallow waters of Australian bays. They are creepers that live in the ocean. poisonous. 1.5-2 meters long. Its body is slightly cylindrical, with a slender body and flat back end and tail sides. The back is dark gray and the belly is yellow or olive. There are 55-80 black rings all over the body. Lives in the ocean, is good at swimming and catching fish. Oviparous. Scattered in the coastal waters of Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan. There are 23 species of sea snakes along the coast of China. Among them, the coasts of Guangdong and Fujian are rich in snake resources. The Beibu Gulf has the most, with more than 50,000 kilograms caught every year. In coastal counties such as Pingtan, Hui'an and Dongshan in Fujian, more than 10,000 kilograms are caught every year.

The most poisonous animal in the world is the "king of poisonous snakes" - the cobra, but the sea snake is even more poisonous than it. Among them, according to records, the Ekitlin sea snake living in Australia is listed as one of the 10 most venomous animals in the world. There is also the Belvedere's sea snake that lives on the Timor Island in Asia and is also the most venomous animal in the world. Their bite can kill within minutes.

The reason why sea snakes can quickly defeat their opponents is because their venom acts on the nerves. After the prey is poisoned, the muscles immediately become numb, the breathing weakens, and the heart stops beating. The lethal time of neurovenom in snakes is generally shorter than that of blood venom.

