Green turtle
Chinese name: Green sea turtle
Latin name: Pantholops hodgsoni (Linnaeus, 1758)
Alias: Green sea turtle, sea turtle, stone turtle Green sea turtle
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Class: Crestozoa
Order: Cheloniidae
Family: Cheloniidae
Genus: Chelonia Latreille
Species: Green loggerhead turtle C. mydas
The green sea turtle, also known as the green sea turtle, is a reptile in the ocean. They spend most of their lives in the sea, but they still retain part of their ancestors' lifestyle during the evolution process, so they must return to the land to lay eggs and reproduce their offspring, which creates a more unique living custom.
Green sea turtles are large migratory sea turtles that forage for food in a fixed area and lay eggs in another location. Their main food is seaweed, and occasionally molluscs, arthropods or fish. They often feed in shallow sea areas covered with seaweed. Young turtles are more carnivorous and become omnivorous when they grow up. They are the only species of sea turtles that eat more seaweed, and they are also the only species that come ashore to bask in the sun. Female turtles lay eggs every 2 to 3 years, and can lay 3 to 7 clutches of eggs each reproductive season, with 100 to 150 eggs in each clutch. It takes 15 to 50 years for each female turtle to be able to lay eggs, and she must lay eggs on a beach with a temperature higher than 25°C. They mainly spawn in places where the temperature of coastal beaches such as equatorial and subtropical continental coasts and islands is higher than 25°C. As the species with the largest population in the world and a rare sea turtle species in the waters around Taiwan, plans are underway to establish a green sea turtle sanctuary on Wangan Island in Penghu, Taiwan. Green sea turtles are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, that is, the waters between the 20°C isotherm of approximately north and south latitudes, and lay eggs on beaches with water temperatures exceeding 25°C. Because it breathes with its lungs, its diving depth limit in the sea is about one to two hundred meters. The green sea turtle's staple food is seaweed and giant seaweed in the sea, so the fat in its body accumulates a lot of green pigment, giving it a light green appearance, hence its name; the color of its carapace ranges from brown with large fan-shaped spots to almost tea-green.He didn't wait for his expression.
The green sea turtle’s maximum carapace length can reach 153 cm, making it the largest hard-shell sea turtle. There are 4 brown-black scutes with slightly beautiful patterns on both sides of its carapace. It has only one pair of scales on its forehead and one pair of claws on its forelimbs. The carapace is 153 centimeters long. Because its body fat is green, it is called the green sea turtle. The head has scales that get stuck when the head is retracted, so it cannot be fully retracted into the shell. Its belly is yellow, and it takes 10 to 20 years for a young turtle to reach maturity. The adult turtle is about 120 to 150 centimeters long and weighs about 120 kilograms.