Characteristics of parrot fish

Shape Characteristics of Parrot Fish
Parrot Fish

Parrot fish is named because its beak shape resembles that of a parrot. The adult parrot fish can reach a length of 1.2 meters and a weight of 20 kilograms. Parrot fish are tropical fish that live in coral reefs when they are alive, so you need to pay attention to the water temperature when raising them artificially.

The parrot fish is famous for its beautiful face like a parrot, but its body color is different. There is a big difference between males and females in the species, and there is also a big difference between adult fish and larval fish. The important parrotfish in the Indian Ocean-Pacific region is the banded parrotfish (Calyodon fasciatus), which is 46 cm (18 inches) long. Male fish are green and orange or green and red, and females are blue and yellow. The European and American species include the queen parrotfish (Scarus vetula), which is about 50 centimeters (50 inches) long. The male is blue with green, red and orange stripes, while the female is light red or purple with a white stripe.

