How long should a Labrador’s hair be?
Labrador's hair is generally about 2cm long and is a short-haired dog. Its hair is close to the skin and has two layers: a soft down layer that allows them to maintain temperature in cold water, and a thick, hard outer layer that is waterproof. The Labrador's coat should be short, dense, and free of curls.
<img title="How long should a Labrador"s hair be? Is a Labrador a short-haired dog? (Picture 1)" src="/uploadfile/2024/1211/20241211160455321.jpg" alt="A Labrador"s hair should be long. Is a Labrador a short-haired dog? ">
How to care for Labrador’s fur
If you want your Labrador's coat to be beautiful, remember to groom it regularly. Pay attention to the procedure when combing: start from the neck, from front to back, and proceed from top to bottom, that is, first from the neck to the shoulders, then back, chest, waist, abdomen, hindquarters, then comb the head, and finally It's the hands, feet and tail. During the combing process, you should comb one side before combing the other side.
<img title="How long should a Labrador"s hair be? Is a Labrador a short-haired dog? (Picture 2)" src="/uploadfile/2024/1211/20241211160456877.jpg" alt="A Labrador should have a lot of hair. Is a Labrador a short-haired dog? ">
What are the colors of a hairy Labrador
Labrador's coat colors are mostly black, yellow and chocolate. The whole body is black, and some Labradors have a small patch of white hair on their chest. The yellow coat can range from reddish brown to light cream, mixed in the ears and base hair or the inner hair of the tail; some The Labrador is a mixture of light chocolate and dark chocolate.
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