Himalayan cat buying tips

Tips for buying Himalayan cats
Himalayan cats (certain introduction)

The Himalayan cat combines the gentleness, charm and responsiveness of the Persian cat (definitely introduced), and the intelligence and gentleness of the Siamese cat. But most Himalayan cats are not gorgeous cats, but they like to play and are very colorful, and they like to interact with people.
When choosing and buying a Himalayan cat, we may wish to investigate based on the following characteristics:
1. Head: The head is generous and round; the forehead is round, the lower jaw is round, the entire head and short and thick neck Collaborate. The nose is short and flat, and the cheeks and jaw are plump and round.
2. Ears: The ears are small, the ends of the ears are rounded, the base of the ears is not wide, the distance between the two ears is wide, and it is shorter than the head cover.
3. Eyes: The eyes are large and round, slightly oversized, the distance between the eyes is slightly wider, and the eyes are blue.
4. Body: Typical short and fat body shape, with deep and wide chest, shoulders as wide as the waist, ribs expanded to a round shape, abdomen not drawn up, back short and flat topline.
5. Hands and feet: The hands and feet are thick, short and straight, with healthy and strong bones.
6. Tail: The tail is thick and short, but proportional to the body. Can drop below the topline when walking, but does not drag the ground.
7. Coat: The coat is long and dense, but does not stand up close to the body surface. The hair is soft, silky and lustrous. The coat is produced by the upper and lower hairs. The lower hair is thin and longer, covering the whole body. The nape of the neck is richly feathered, forming ruffles.
8. Coat color: Body hair colors include seal fur, blue, chocolate, lilac, white, red, etc.

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