Desert monitor lizard species introduction

Introduction to the species of the Gobi monitor lizard
Gobi monitor lizard

The desert monitor lizard (Varanus griseus) is mainly distributed in Africa. Compared with other lizards, it is very large in size and quite domineering in character, making it difficult to raise.
When threatened, the desert monitor lizard will stretch its body and neck, arch its body and let out a low, heavy roar. The Gobi monitor lizard is an expert at digging, but the desert and clay layers are not easy to dig, so occasionally it will use the nests of earth birds as its residence.
Family name:Varanus
Chinese name:Gobi monitor lizard
Famous name:Varanus griseus
< strong> Kingdom:Animal
Genus name: varanus

Dietary habits: vertebrates or invertebrates For food.
Dispersion: From the Sahara Desert in Africa to India via the Arabian Peninsula and the Central Asian Desert.

