Morphological characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog

Morphological Characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog (Definite Introduction)

The Bernese Mountain Dog ideal male dog should be 24.0-28.0 inches (61.0-71.0 cm) tall at the withers, and the female dog should be 22.9-27.2 inches (58.0-69.0 cm) tall at the withers. The Bernese Mountain Dog ideal male dog The body weight should be 38.0-50.0kg, and the ideal female dog should be 36.0-48.0kg.
 Morphological characteristics

The face is smart, bright and fashionable. The eyes are dark brown, slightly oval, with eyelids close to the eyeballs.
Ears are of average size, set high, and triangular. When resting, the ears hang down beside the head. When the Bernese Mountain Dog is alert, its ears are turned forward, the base of the ears is prominent, and the highest point of the ears is flush with the top of the head. The top of the head is flat and broad, with slight wrinkles and clear outlines. The tone is thick and straight. The nose is black. Teeth scissor bite.
The neck is thick, muscular and of moderate length. The topline is maintained from withers to croup. Chest deep and broad, with ribs well sprung and reaching to the elbows. The reverse side is wide and strong. The waist is thick. The croup is broad and smoothly rounded to the base of the tail. The tail is deeply furred. The claws are round and close, and the toes are arched.
Thighs are wide, thick and muscular. Hind stifle joints are well angled, tapering gently and smoothly downward to meet the hock joints. Hocks as low as possible, when viewed from the rear, with the hindquarters straight. The claws are tight.
The coat is deep, light in length, slightly bright or neat. Reveals a translucent, natural luster. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a tri-colored dog. The base material is dark black. The pattern color is rich rust color and clear white.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a very unique and popular breed. It is one of the four existing mountain dogs produced in Switzerland. In the early days in the Bern area of ​​Switzerland, it was a type that gradually developed by pulling goods, cheese making, and weaving shops pulling carts.

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