Introduction to the four-line skink species

Introduction to the species of four-lined skinks
Four-lined skinks< /p>

Blue-tailed skink is a creeper with a very slender body, and its tail is about the same thickness as its body. When raised in groups, four-line skinks will attack each other, so they need to be carefully tamed when they are young.
This species has been included in the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Protected by the State that Are Beneficial or of Important Economic or Scientific Research Value" promulgated by the State Forestry Administration of China on August 1, 2000.
Chinese name: Four-lined skink
English name: Blue-tailed skink
Two-level skink: Eumeces quadrilineatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Phylum Chordata)
Subphylum: Vertebrate subphylum Phylum (Vertebrata)
Class: Reptilia
Subclass: Diapsida, Lepidosauria
Order: Lizards (Lacertiformes), probably Squamata
Family: Skink family (a member of the world-wide distribution of squamous lizards) Family)
Genus: Skink genus (Eumeces)
Species: Four-line skink
Dispersed: Scattered in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong and other places on mainland China.

