Crossing fish
The crossfish, also known as the gourami, is a relatively rare species of cold-blooded fish and one of the most famous species. Many people think that kissing fish is a sign of love. However, this is not a sign of intimacy, but an act of usurping territory.
Chinese name: Gourami
Latin name: Helostoma temminckii
World: Animal Kingdom
Class: Actinophytes
Family: Numaguidae
< p>Species:BrossfishNative product:Indonesia, Thailand, Sumatra in Asia
Chinese famous names :Anabantoidei
Suborder: Anabantoidei
Foreign name: kissing fish
Dispersed areas:Thailand, Indonesia, Sumatra
Order: Perciformes
Genus: Mesomouthus
Alternate names: Gourami, kiss fish , Gourami
Two names: Helostoma temminckii
Alias: Gourami, crossfish, alias Kiss fish , gourami