Introduction to water anaconda species

Introduction to the types of water anaconda
Water anaconda

Water anaconda ( Eunestes Murinus), also known as anaconda, is mainly distributed in the Amazon River Basin of South America. The body of this snake is about 6m long, and the length of newly born snakes is 70-80cm. It mainly lives in rivers and can be buried in the water for a long time or with its head slightly above the water.
An anaconda once swallowed an adult injured American crocodile. Although its belly was burst due to its size, the anaconda still swallowed it all. Anacondas have aestivation phenomena, which may be related to the changes in the waters where they live. Anacondas can be buried in the mud to reduce the evaporation of water in the body.
Chinese name: Water Anaconda
Latin name: Eunestes Murinus
Alias: Dasen Anaconda
Kingdom: Animalia
Snake suborder
Family: Anacondae
Subfamily: Anacondae
Genus:Non-venomous snake
Subspecies:Anaconda subspecies
Dispersed areas:Amazon River Basin in South America

